G'day All.
Got bitten by the Xmas lights bug a while back, but didn't really have a house, or yard suitable for it. Fast Forward a few years and now I do. I'd planned to do my yard properly this year, and like many things, I severely underestimated the time and effort required to do so, and just ended up with 4 Pillars of Pixels play the Fast LED test pattern from an Arduino I had lying around.
After consuming as much info as I could, I finally landed on the AusChristmasLighting-101, and its pointed me in the right direction, I've got 11 Months now to get organised for Xmas 2018 .
Currently I'm just playing with a Bunch of ESP8266's with the ESPIxelStick sketch loaded, a bunch of PVC and an ungodly amount of cable ties. Trying and get my head around sequencing, wiring and building props.
I forsee a substantial order from Boscoyo and RayWu in the very near future.
Got bitten by the Xmas lights bug a while back, but didn't really have a house, or yard suitable for it. Fast Forward a few years and now I do. I'd planned to do my yard properly this year, and like many things, I severely underestimated the time and effort required to do so, and just ended up with 4 Pillars of Pixels play the Fast LED test pattern from an Arduino I had lying around.
After consuming as much info as I could, I finally landed on the AusChristmasLighting-101, and its pointed me in the right direction, I've got 11 Months now to get organised for Xmas 2018 .
Currently I'm just playing with a Bunch of ESP8266's with the ESPIxelStick sketch loaded, a bunch of PVC and an ungodly amount of cable ties. Trying and get my head around sequencing, wiring and building props.
I forsee a substantial order from Boscoyo and RayWu in the very near future.