Hello from the Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia


New elf
Dec 28, 2017
G'day All.

Got bitten by the Xmas lights bug a while back, but didn't really have a house, or yard suitable for it. Fast Forward a few years and now I do. I'd planned to do my yard properly this year, and like many things, I severely underestimated the time and effort required to do so, and just ended up with 4 Pillars of Pixels play the Fast LED test pattern from an Arduino I had lying around.

After consuming as much info as I could, I finally landed on the AusChristmasLighting-101, and its pointed me in the right direction, I've got 11 Months now to get organised for Xmas 2018 :).

Currently I'm just playing with a Bunch of ESP8266's with the ESPIxelStick sketch loaded, a bunch of PVC and an ungodly amount of cable ties. Trying and get my head around sequencing, wiring and building props.

I forsee a substantial order from Boscoyo and RayWu in the very near future.
Welcome to ACL. I've been playing about with an esPixelStick to maybe use for Halloween or on a prop that's harder to run a cable to.
Welcome to ACL Romerio, finding the 101 manual is the best place to start o get into this hobby!
Feel free to ask as many questions as you need in the forums, or instant responses via chat. On Friday evenings there is also a Zoom chat session where people can share screens of what they are working on or have queries on.
Welcome to ACL romerio sounds like you have your hands full already. look forward to seeing your display in 2018