Hello! I'm Rob from the USA


New elf
Jun 22, 2023
Hello, just joined today after finding a link to your Lighting 101 manual on a WLED forum. I live in Minnesota, USA, which is about 5 hours north of Chicago in the center of the country. Quite a bit far from Australia but it seems there are no boundaries when it comes to sharing a passion for blinky lights!

Since 2011, I've run my own business making small blinky lights mostly for LEGO builders, but also for model makers and electronics makers. My company, Brickstuff, is currently developing some WLED-compatible controllers designed for use with hobby lighting, so much like our real-life displays only smaller!

I look forward to learning from the manual and from others on this forum!


Welcome! There are several very active members of the forums here who are in the US as well. There are also several of us who hang out in the chat room during the day, so you'll likely be able to ask questions there when you have them.
Hello rob and welcome.

Guess you are only about 5 hours from me, give or take a few minutes. This is a great place and we are fully international. As was already stated stop by the chat room some time, it's staffed generally 24/7 these days.
Welcome Rob. If you get into Christmas lights (a small jump from what you are working on), there are many folks from the Twin Cities area. Once a month, a few of them get together to talk and eat. The guys involved are some of the pioneers in the DIY Christmas world.