

New elf
Aug 21, 2020
well just found the site... not completely new to pixles... but want to expand LOTS and need all the info I can get my fingers on... I got a lot of reading to do in 101


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Hello @redshadow750 and Welcome to ACL!

As per my new member message:
Read up on the ACL 101 manual. https://auschristmaslighting.com/threads/auschristmaslighting-101-manual.1889/.

- As I saw a comment on a newbie's Facebook post:
"Hope your single, rich, and have a full liquor cabinet."

Read up, study, study, plan and repeat. Make sure you know what you're wanting before you spend money!
I would diffidently look around before buying kits, much cheaper and more suited when custom made. And it's part of the fun making your own!

Yup definitely got a lot of reading in the 101 manual! We've all started some somewhere, I also started from standard lights then grew to pixels. There's no turning back!

Enjoy the community.
Welcome to ACL. The ACL101 is a great place to start. Don't hesitate to ask questions. I know I was in a bit over my head in the beginning with pixels. Lots of helpful people and tons of information here. Quite a few members from the USA here as well.