

New elf
Dec 23, 2020
Hi from Canada! We have snow here...our winter. Merry Christmas to all, be safe this Covid Christmas!
I like making light displays for Christmas and have been doing so since 1982 when I made my first computer controlled light display. It used a Motorola 6809 development kit, assembler programming, and 1 watt incandescent bulbs driven by triacs via 36 volt transformers. Wow! What a "kludge". But it worked and got me on TV news.
My latest (2020) is Arduino driven, using addressable I2C port expanders, 3W pixels, in a 7foot diameter Star and 8 foot diameter "snowflake" pattern. Power comes from ATX power supply running 12 volts for the LEDs and 5 volts for logic. MCU is Arduino UNO in both cases.
Video here:
View: https://youtu.be/tLRitDK7fv4
I'm currently making an 8 x 32 matrix for a sign using same technology, but want to try something new for 2021. Read on.
Here's my issue: I want a NeoPixel display/led strip that is HIGH POWER, ie 1w-3w pixels. I need this because my displays are across a cove, 700 feet to nearest road. I use 3w pixels now, but in actuality they only consume 1W max with my wiring setup (100 ohm resistors). I have standard neopixels visible from 20 feet...not good enough.
I bought some SOIC-8 WS2811 chips to start designing an interface using MOSFETS or bipolar transistors. I've used both, but never with a device (ws2811) that is constant current so I'm unsure how to interface and make it all work. Any ideas out there? I make my own PCBs, so not a problem, example photo for Star made last year.


  • Snowflake242DriverPCB.jpg
    182 KB · Views: 3
Welcome to ACL.

On my board I have a 10K pullup resistor on each WS2811 LED output to 5V. The WS2811 outputs drive a 74HC14 inverter to get back to the correct drive polarity for the MOSFET output drivers. I would use MOSFETs for the outputs over a ULNxxxx driver.
Thanks. My Star and Snowflake used ULN and bipolar, but my new "sign" uses mosfets. Good idea for the 74HC14. I'll get some to play with. Do you have a schematic?
I don't have a schematic handy. Basically the WS2811 (with pullup to +5V) drives an inverter (part of the 74HC14) which in turn drives the gate of the N channel logic level MOSFET via a 100R resistor.