Help needed fo 2013 mega tree


New elf
Nov 27, 2011
Roxby Downs South Australia
Hi all
This season i want to start branching away from 240V plug n play starting with a mega tree that will run nutcracker. My plans are to be 2.5meters tall running ws2811ic pixels modules 16 string (25 up and 25 down)so it will be a 32 string tree at 360 deg = 2400 channel count.
So what im asking for is some advice on what im going to need to purchase to make this happen. My thoughts are to order
1 x 350w power supply from ray wu
2 x PR12's from 1Jsys
16 x pixel strings ws2811ic pixel modules from ray wu
and apart from these items what else will I need apart from plus and cable.
If and when I get this sorted all other elements I want to add should be a sinch .
Thanks in advance for any advice given
(one half of macflea) Mac
Why the 2 ECG-P12R?
The one ECG-P12R will more than handle your tree. Why not connect 2 strings per output then you still have 4 outputs left. Seems to be an expensive way using only one string per output.
I would be using 2 power supplies instead of 1 so you can use the 2 banks of the ECG-P12R and give yourself some redundancy as if using the Ray Wu power supplies then i would always either have spare capacity or a spare power supply as these can fail and have failed for a few of us in the past.
Hi Macflea,
My 2012 display I used 1 x E681 with 8 strings 25up and 25 down about 3meters high. The new E682 is setup with 16 output for 50 pixels per output. This could be another option for you.
I can send some photo if it helps.
Some Photo's of my mega Tree about 3.5 meters high. 1200mm round at base.

Made from 32mm aluminium tube (2.4M long) and 40mm aluminium tube(2.0M long) , 600mm goes into the ground.


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