Help Optimization required


Full time elf
Nov 10, 2012
Would someone be able to tell me what the following message wants me to do.

Optimization Required
A selection region was not detected. Playback will start when the entire sequence optimization completes. This may take some time, continue with optimization yes/ no

I have had the sequence working but only when I say yes to the above question but....... it only works after loading the file. Also while I am trying to find the fault some lights come on and stay on and they do not go out. Any suggestions?
You can play the sequence but when it is finished the power light stops flashing and there is no signal, you then have to reset the software to get it back again, I am loosing my mind.
Hi David
Ray Wu controller, AVD dongle this year shop lights with controllers removed. Just curious as to what most of the users here use as in software?
Do the affected channels stay on even if the board is powered up with no DMX input? If so, that usually indicates a blown (shorted) MOSFET for that channel.
For the optimization is required error, right click the area to the left of your audio track, select maintenance then select optimize entire sequence.
Thanks guys I seemed to have sorted everything except the optimization thing I had tried the right click of the audio track but to no avail.
When you right click the audio track, do you see the maintenance tools option at the bottom of the contextual menu?