Help with Xlights buttons / Web API


New elf
Mar 27, 2012
Kew East, VIC

I am trying to use the Web API to create some custom buttons. I have some external hardware which will trigger the buttons through the show.

What I want to happen is:
- Assume playlist for whole house is in the process of playing
- When the button is pressed, I want to run another sequence which only contains 1 element (a tree where the buttons are placed) to over-ride the main sequence just for that element.
- That sequence only runs for 5 seconds, so after it finishes the regular sequence should resume.

I have tried to configure it as follows in Xlights:
Button name: yellow_button
Command: Run event playlist step (is this right?)
Parameters: buttons,wn_yellow

Where 'wn_yellow' is a FSEQ file included in a playlist called 'buttons'

However it doesn't work. Any ideas??? I feel like I have setup the parameters incorrectly.
If you are setting up a button in xschedule, if you select a command, then hover your mouse over the parameters, it will show you the required parameters.
the 'Run event playlist setp' needs parameters : <playlist name>,<playlist step name>

you could just call the api directly http://<host:port>/xScheduleCommand?Command=<command>&Parameters=<parameters>
Thanks! Let me try that. So if you call the API directly you don't need to setup buttons?
No, you can call them directly. If you want to make buttons so you can use your phone or something to have it on the web ui and have your button people press do the same thing .. then you create the button.. then your api call can just call the PressButton api
http://<host : port>/xScheduleCommand?Command=PressButton&Parameters=<button label>
Thanks Keith, I am trying to use "Run event playlist step" - does this sound like the right one?
Hi Keith

I'm using the Run event playlist step which I think is the correct one.

However when I press the button, the right playlist is triggered but the rest of the show goes out.

I think this may be happening because the playlist I am trying to play only has effects for a single model. Would that mean it is sending "off" signals for the rest of the show? (which should keep playing with the background playlist?).

Any help appreciated
in xlights sequence, right click a model and export an eseq file to run as your background sequence for that element.
Thanks Daryl, when I try that and add the .eseq file in XSchedule, it does not seem to output anything when played (normal .fseq of the overlay sequence outputs everything).
Thats a thought the BBC MicroBits migt be good remote buttons for the Falcon Player or xschedule using bluetooth.