Here is a rare view into a pixel manufacturers factory

No-one is commenting on the working conditions. Can you imagine sitting there for 8 hrs a day on the plastic stools with no back on them.
They certainly whack the solder on fast. To me it looks a bit haphazard on the video but it's a bit hard to tell just from a few seconds of video.
It's good to see how the things go together though.
AAH said:
No-one is commenting on the working conditions. Can you imagine sitting there for 8 hrs a day on the plastic stools with no back on them.
They certainly whack the solder on fast. To me it looks a bit haphazard on the video but it's a bit hard to tell just from a few seconds of video.
It's good to see how the things go together though.

We know we get pixels for less than .50c an we know they get employed for around $1 a day,
if we started giving them aussie working standerds, we would never get anything made ever again :D
Brings a new look to 'sweat house', (they had windows for
Everyone knows that the working conditions over there are not the same as in a lot of the other parts of the world and we all buy products regularly from China based on the cost savings to us. We choose to put the workers to the backs of our minds and focus solely on the "deal" that we are getting. Remember if working standards and wages in China were the same as they are for us, most of us would not be able to afford nearly the displays that we proudly have. It is not just pixels that are made over there but most all of our led"s and incandescent's as well

With that said, from what I could see in the video the conditions looked pretty favorable there. The place was clean, bright, airy, and spacious. And yes they did seem to be working pretty quickly but that is the normal there and is becoming the expectation in a lot of the places that we work also.

I'm sure this is one of the better manufacturers.. they've packed the people into that office though, see the cubicle farm!! the factory looks well laid out and good for workers. Don't need backs on chairs when you're leaning forward all day but the plastic seat would not be comfortable!