Hi All!


New elf
Jun 9, 2020
Hi All - looking forward to embarking on another hobby full of frustration and expenditure, and fun!
Hello and Welcome to ACL @McAwesome !
Read up on the ACL 101 manual. https://auschristmaslighting.com/threads/auschristmaslighting-101-manual.1889/.

- As I saw a comment on a newbie's Facebook post:
"Hope your single, rich, and have a full liquor cabinet."

Read up, study, study, plan and repeat. Make sure you know what you're wanting before you spend money.

I would diffidently look around before buying kits, much cheaper and more suited when custom made. And it's part of the fun making your own!

Enjoy the community and frustration!
I'm neither single, nor rich. And I am constantly restocking the liquor cabinet. :)

Thanks for the tips!
Welcome to ACL McAwesome.
Plenty of info to be found in the forums, wiki and videos. You can always pop into chat for some live advice or, erm, a chat!
Another Victorian :) . Always good to see another lightingup.
What part of Vic are you in? I'm on the outskirts of Bendigo in central Vic.
Northern suburbs of Melbourne :)

Just looking forward to upping my Christmas lights game :D