Hi from a new member/ old member of the Aussie-LOR-Users group


New elf
Aug 30, 2015
Hi from an old member from the Aussie-LOR-Users group,

I was an active decorator and LOR user back in 2007. My wife and I have been decorating our house at Christmas for about 15 years and this year we would like to get back into using our LOR gear.
I have discovered the exciting world of RGB lighting and would like to get some for my house this year.
Can someone suggest where I could begin. I'm looking for something affordable and that won't take months to sequence to give me a start with RGB lighting.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Simon,

welcome to the gang, The first thing you should do is download the 101 manual and read it, then read it again…..

Welcome aboard, definitely read the 101 manual at least twice
Jump into chat and ask a few questions. There are lots of choices.

Good luck
Thanks guys.
I work permanent night shift as an industrial electrician, so I have been fighting sleep today and instead have been reading the 101 manual a few times. I have also been reading about the J1SYS ECG-P12R pixel controller, as using E1.31 over Ethernet is the way I want to go. I also have downloaded and am installing Vixen. I really want to get use out of my current 16 channel AC LOR controller, but it looks like the only way I can keep my existing LOR controller and use the E1.31 controller is to go to the LightShow Pro V2 Advanced software, but don't want to pay the US $249.

Also have to decide on what RGB LEDs to use.

Anyway I'm sure I will work it out.

Welcome aboard.

You don't need to use LSP to use your existing LOR boards. LOR boards run in DMX mode and can be controlled with Vixen, LSP, LOR (advanced for DMX), Xlights or whatever. To actually connect them you can use an E1.31 board that has DMX outputs like the Pixlite boards or alternately you can use your existing LOR dongle as an Open DMX device and connect it the same way as you have in the past but running DMX data out of it.
The P12R has been replaced with the P12S. This is a good thing because the P12S can run double the number of pixels if you update the firmware.
You can use LOR and E1.31 with lots of things buddy ... You'll find a huge amount of Christmas lighting gadgets and solutions have emerged in the previous years, so try not to get overwhelmed or discouraged .... I've just started with rgb pixels myself and last year failed miserably however I learned one important lesson and that is the importance of knowing exactly the number of lights you have and how much power you need, to ensure everything works. I just plugged things in last year as if it was all LOR and when it didn't work, I didn't know where to troubleshoot-
I got my pixel controller from holidaycoro (am I allowed to say that ?) and it works with my LOR stuff just like @AAH said
Hi Simon,

Ive been using LOR since 2009 and last year added pixels.. At this stage i still run the LOR controllers normally through the dongle and the pixels via e1.13. One day i guess ill change over the lor controllers to dmx.. But at the moment running the LOR normally and pixels the other way works for me.. This year i will have 3 p12s running off a switch.

Im sure you eill be able to get it running quite easily.
I have been using LOR for many years as well. There are lots of LOR Users here that can offer assistance.
Hop in Chat if you want help right away ::)

For my LOR AC controllers and CCR's I use a E1.31 to DMX bridge. Several places make them including J1sys.

You may also want to look at the Newest F16V2 and pixlite controllers.

Start simple and work your way up.


to ACL Simon
Thanks for all the great advise. I have been doing heaps of reading and now feel I am on the right track. I'm going to get my LOR S2 software upgraded to S4 and then start looking into purchasing some RGB LEDs and a controller.
