Hi from the rustyboy


New elf
Dec 19, 2023
G’day all. I used to have a fair crack at lighting up Christmas and some animatronic toy shop stuff. But that was a while ago. I’m looking at getting back into the game, albeit with some led pixel gear. I know it’s hard to be moderate about building a good show, but I promise I’ll try not to be too crazy about it!
Looking forward to figuring out how to get into this style of lighting.
Thanks for all your enthusiasm!
happy light shows
Take the opportunity (while all the displays are up) to try and find a nearby forum member who could give you 5 minutes behind the scenes. We can all see the lights, but sometimes seeing inside the control box or the wiring gives you so much more of an idea.
Take the opportunity (while all the displays are up) to try and find a nearby forum member who could give you 5 minutes behind the scenes. We can all see the lights, but sometimes seeing inside the control box or the wiring gives you so much more of an idea.
Agree. I started in Jan 2023 and wish i discovered pixel lights the month before. It would have been great to see some in person and see the physical stuff needed to make a show. In saying that, this forum is a gold mine! so many great threads and everyone is super helpful answering questions
Take the opportunity (while all the displays are up) to try and find a nearby forum member who could give you 5 minutes behind the scenes. We can all see the lights, but sometimes seeing inside the control box or the wiring gives you so much more of an idea.
Great idea!! Thanks heaps
Hey Rusty Boy
I think we met at the mini - Sing out if you need any help!
Hey Snicko! Yep we met there. Thanks so much for the info, and offer of more help. I appreciate that heaps. Probably will yell out sometime!