Hit a wall....


Full time elf
Dec 11, 2012
I came in wayyyyyyyyy toooooooooooo lateeeeeeeeeeee :)

I've done two songs, and about 5 partial songs, but lost creativity!! With having to set up the display and work out how to setup a playlist......

Why did I only just start.....

I think I'm going to basically try and do a 5 minute animation sequence, and add it to my two songs.

It's hard with the small amount of lights to come up with intricate interesting stuff.

Still, I will have something out.

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You don't have to go to town to have something special. You already have 2 songs so that's a great start and the others you can add later as your motivation and mojo come back. Think of it that your display regardless of how many lights will be unique and special in your part of the world and will sure bring joy to many.

Unfortunately we are our own harshest critics which is a symptom of having CLAP but to the general public any small display with moving colour and lights done to music is sure to bring them joy and be the talk of your neighbourhood.

Take a breather and don't put too high of an expectation on yourself and enjoy the reason for why you do this.
2 songs is 1 more than what I started with on Dec 1st last year. By the last week of Dec I had 5 songs, so at the very least you can start the month off with the display running and add sequences or tweak them as the days go by. Most people will be out and about looking in their cars during the back half of Dec anyway, so there is still time!

Eddy is right, we are our own harshest critics, but at the end of the day, if your neighbours only have store bought lights, you're already way ahead of the them as it is already!! Enjoy what you have now as I'm sure plenty of on-lookers will be, which is kinda the whole point we do this crazy hobby :)
Yeah understand that so not that upset. I can see me between people coming to have a look sitting out the front with a drink tweaking songs etc... thanks everyone here, as I've done heaps of reading, and to be where I am now, is pretty damn amazing.

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DONT PANIC, I'm still building my Mega-Tree, haven't configured xLights, need to watch xlights tutorials again, so syncing to music probably wont happen for me this year.

I'm going to plan better next year, work out what I what to add, create an achievable schedule then stick to it. Oh and start earlier.

Don't panic I still have most of my display to get up. Kids + a over a week of gastro in the family has really put downtime on my uptime!
At this stage it's last years display + a replacement RGB matrix to replace my LEDTrix. I might add some new songs in the lead up to xmas.
I made a conscious choice to only have 2 songs.

Why? Because each some goes for roughly 3 minutes, so that's 6 or so minutes of sequenced Christmas lights to enjoy already.

I'm thinking of all the mums and dads who want to take their kids out to look at Christmas lights but don't want to be standing around outside a single house for ages - I've been there and it does get kind of boring :p
Oh and I plan on moving to FPP from my current server. But that's a background thing so hopefully will be seamless. I just need to get this matrix built so I don't have to rely on LEDTrix and the serial link to it...
I only ever have about four songs so I wouldn't fret too much about having two. And after you have set things up, I find most of the audience doesn't turn up until later in Dec anyway, by which time you may well have finished another one, possibly 2 of your partially finished ones done to add to the playlist. But as has already been said, your lights will look way better than most nearby and for a lot of people, any animation to music, no matter how small, looks amazing.
A lot of us start out small and build up over the years. My first year I had four dumb strings on tomato cages and four dumb strips on the roof line and at the time people still thought that looked pretty cool. But I learnt heaps.
Enjoy what you have achieved so far.
Done well mate and dont be to concerned we all are under pressure at this time of year (CRITICAL TIMES) but all usually works out and I always think if it wasnt for the last minute we would never get any thing done lol and absolutely you can do few animated sequences quite quickly using xlights and playing music in background quite often looks as sequence d to music anyways. I personally am yet to ever sequence to music and have xmas carols playing in background with our elements sequenced animation mega tree has 15 min sequence of basically everything and other pixel elements also plus lots of blinkys and many xmas features . Many people comment and ask if is going to the music lol and quite often looks as is . So as said well done and I believe if you got this far it should all work out fine for you but definitely understand the anxiety at this time of year goodluck mate.
+1.. enjoy what lights you get running and think about how awesome 2017 will be! If you got even one song sequenced as a complete noob, I am in awe!
In fact I started sequencing a song back in october, along with building a bunch of new pixel stuff. Quickly realised, no music for 2016 :eek:
I'm not even sure how well the lights are going to work until it's all plugged in this w/end, and we have still a lot of flashy sequencing to do.
I can't wait to see pics/vids of everyones displays this year, big or small!
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