Holy Christmas - my blink flashy is alive !!


Apprentice elf
May 7, 2010
My blinky flashy Ren64's are completely alive !!! I can't tell you how good it feels to see it all working together.

I got my power supplies from Ray Wu's yesterday and it was the last thing that I needed to get to make it all work. And it all works !!!
I'm over the moon.

Let the sequencing and prop building begin...

cheers, fj
Now the easy parts done, you still have sequencing, channel arrangements, cables and a whole lot of other stuff to do now before D-Day. Good luck with the rest of it.
Great work FJ.

I'm about two steps behind you, and catching up fast.
Well done again and i'll be bouncing the questions off you very soon.

im a couple of steps ahead of you's, have fun
ive had mine on test 24/7 for a couple of months,
an at the same time i ran into problems.
so if you have problems feel free to ask away, as i might allready know the answer.