House preview troubles


Apprentice elf
Jan 8, 2012
central North Carolina
I am having trouble aligning my layout tab with the house preview when I am running a sequence
I have everything like I want it in the layout tab. Everything sized and centered on the screen.
when I run a sequence and try to view the house preview. It is no where to be found.
I can scroll the mouse and finally get it to show the props but they are so small it is of no help.
have right clicked on the mouse and hit reset to default viewpoint but that did not help. Any ideas would be appreaciated
On the layout page, position it like you want it, then right click on the layout (somewhere empty -- not on a prop) and select "Save Current Viewpoint" and give it a name. Then on your House Preview, you can right click and then select "Load Viewpoint" and then pick the viewpoint you created.