How Bright is TOO Bright? And have we found the winner?

It’s a shame it has to come to that for them. It’s an awesome display.
Can understand if residents around need to get in or out with the added traffic, but there is always a solution that does not involve the abuse that normally goes with it.
Our street gets to the point where it's almost impossible to drive a car down at nights, we try to accommodate the neighbours by putting cones out on the road to limit the available parking so people have more room to drive. Haven't been approached by the airport yet, even though we are 3km away.
I can understand why neighbours would be unhappy with some displays. The repetitive music and heavy traffic for weeks on end could get a bit much. Not everyone is into Christmas as much as the display owner. Some displays seem to feel the need to go more extreme each year and are soon way beyond what the average person would consider reasonable in a residential area.
The house is certainly bright and I'm certain that there were thousands of people who enjoyed seeing the display. Having too large or popular display for a persons location has caused so much grief for so many people. Nearby residents may not mind having a few hundred extra people or cars over December but once they get to hundreds of people there for hours at a time every night of December then it would get to be too much. A number of displays have closed down due to over popularity. @ShellNZ went from nothing to having stadium seating to being shutdown over a few years. @mikey at Grange Rd lights went viral with a get on the beers display and this year had to get council approval and have traffic control in place. Holdman lights in the US got super popular then due to complaints closed down and Richard went from doing his house to doing a neighbourhood park and a drive through display.
I love the display and if I was nearby I would be 1 of the people adding to the crowds.
Christmas lights is a bloody hard gig !! With that in mind our neighbours can make or break a display, so reasonable considerations need to realistic. I have great near by neighbours but am mindful of what could tip the balance. The more lights you have the more the brightness and this should be factored in. Noise from the cars and the public can be annoying to someone who has to work early or have kids in bed. Not too be a grinch but we have a responsibility as display owners whether we like it or not. I also ❤️ this display personally