How can I model THIS???? Any suggestions?


Dennis from NZ
Jan 2, 2014
Lepperton, Taranaki
This is my next model in fabrication.[/size]26 x 1m long acrylic tubes on a central hub.Will be filled with pixels.I am wondering if anyone has made one. I have seen Pinwheels and the likes but not a "blow-fish". The pixels will be one continuous string from 1 thru 27, with 27 being the hub so sequencing as a string would be OK but would be limiting i believe.Looking for ideas on sequencing suggestions.


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Can you wire it up so each arm has the same start and finish channel number. It would mean firework like explosions would be easy to program but 3d effects wouldn't be possible, but I don't know of any of the programs that map in x,y and z axis.
I would think that if you modeled it as a mega tree most of the effects would turn out pretty much as you expect them.
Certainly generating some interest. I will build it then experiment and post the results.
Most videos that have surfaced since I opened this post just have all the spears in parallel.
I think making a series of star models would work but just need to common up some of the spears to different models.
This is a link to a post that I made a while back regarding something similar.

You can see them in action on my yourtube clips
Skip to about 55 seconds...
These weren't fully working in the clip - I think two or three arms weren't connected.

Mine has 14 arms from memory and is made from galv steel flat bar and galv pipe fittings. 1m Acrylic tubes fit into the pipe fittings and can be removed for storage.
A couple of lessons I learned along the way.
1) the thing is huge when assembled.
2) the cabling in the centre (data and power leads) takes up lots of room and you need to be able to get your hands in there.
3) its incredibly hard to put together in situ due to size and trying to connect cables for each arm.
kel said:
i brought 2 of these last year from Christmas warehouse in Queensland. They have a spectacular effect, unfortunately are very delicate and the plastic spikes that go over the string lights dont even last the christmas season, they go brittle in the sun and break up, then its hard to get replacement spikes and if it rains they get water in them. i paid $100 each and wont be buyingagain
Check out this link. Same concept. He might have some info in his PDF or video