How do I attach motifs to my roof?


New elf
Oct 21, 2012
Gold Coast
Hi all,
I am new to the whole attaching things to the roof thing and I need a bit of help please!?!
I have some large motifs that are on steel frames, but when I lay them flat on the roof you cannot see them clearly. But if you life them slightly they are much clearer.
So... what I need to know is how do I go about attaching and making some stands for these.
I have a tiled roof that is sloped.
I hope that is all the information needed... but if not let me know and I will try my best to provide what is needed!
Thanks in advance!
The method i have used in the past was to cut up old steel coat hangers or buy a roll of 2mm wire. I make up tile hooks which have a bend that when slotted up the gap between the tiles will then hook onto the back of the tile and create a strong anchor point. I then tie the frame to these anchor points. Works great for haolding all sorts of things
Ok... well if u could post a pic that would be great... I am not sure if that will work for me though as I have a few fairly large ones. How do I get them to stand up though... Normally if they were on the ground I would attach them to a stake, but obviously on the roof there is no way of doing that!!
Re: How do I attach motifs to my roof? How to make simple roof tile anchors

ali said:
Ok... well if u could post a pic that would be great... I am not sure if that will work for me though as I have a few fairly large ones. How do I get them to stand up though... Normally if they were on the ground I would attach them to a stake, but obviously on the roof there is no way of doing that!!

Take a look here at 2007 to 2009 and you can see the wire frames i used to have and where they were mounted and if thats similar to what you will be mounting. I held them up by attaching either rope or wire to both the top and bottom of the frames and then attached them to the anchor points so this would secure the frame in all directions (like using guide wire for a pole)

As far as the wire method i use, I have no photos and I have no wire frames anymore so the best i can do is a drawing. But i do still use this method for mounting my tile lights



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