How many strings would be good to build a mega tree


Full time elf
Nov 7, 2012
Perth, Piara Waters
Hay guys, Im looking to build a mega tree over Dec for next years show.
Ive never built one before nor ran a show, so early days.
i have a DC 48 controller, a few different power supplies and a tree frame I built a while go thats about 3.6m high with a base of approx 1.2m.

i was thinking to have 16x100pcs of RGB dumb strings around the tree. each string of 10m (5m up and 5m down) so really 32 strings. but when working out power usge (assuming im doing that right also) it would require massive power supply. which tells me maybe ive gone over board.
I worked out that Ray wu's RGB dumb strings use approx 72watt per 100 pcs, so in my case that would equal about 1152watt of power. which I thought is a pretty big task. the specs on the product say .3watt but have been told that in reality they use about .72watt per LED.
am I adding too many strings to this Tree??
Can someone please advise on a tree this size what would be sufficent and have a good effect.
I have 8x 100 RGB lights in my mini tree line. It runs on 2x ray 27ch controllers and 1x 350 watt 12v psu.

I have haven't measured the actual load but I estimate it is 240 watts, but the weakest part of the setup is rated at 300 watts just in case it's more.
i haven't looked at Ray's site for dumb strings specifically but I assume that you are talking about the same thing as led fairy lights. Assuming that you are then each led is going to use somewhere in the vicinity of 0.06W (3V x 0.02A). My tree is made up of 12 strings of 20m of led fairy lights and it's running off a DC48 and 24V 350W power supply. Last year it was off a 27ch board and a matching supply. In addition I have 200W of incand lights and 10 led can canes running off this supply with no problems.
I assumed Porsche was talking about these
well i did make a mega tree with dum string rgb using 2 of ray controler .... my tree is 12 ft tall .. i am using only 12 string ( 50 rgb per string aprox 16 ft long ) ... but it is spiral and i can tell you that it is full i could not make is fuller than that look pretty good can see it in action in the 1 minute mark to 1 30 and 2:38 ... the rest of the ray chanel i used it for my star..
do you know what i hear v2
You guys are champions...
Yep Kaden, there the ones I was think about using..

Ok so maybe my idea of 16 x 100pc strings is wayyyy to much.
Maybe I'll tone it down to 16 x 50pc.
I wouldnt rush into buying anything now for next year as you may make decisions you may regret later when you know more and have more confidence.

Building a dumb RGB tree compared to an intelligent RGB tree in cost is now very similar, so it then becomes an obvious choice to do the intelligent RGB pixel tree instead as this will open a world of programming possabilaties and effects
ɟɐsʇǝppʎ said:
I wouldnt rush into buying anything now for next year as you may make decisions you may regret later when you know more and have more confidence.

Building a dumb RGB tree compared to an intelligent RGB tree in cost is now very similar, so it then becomes an obvious choice to do the intelligent RGB pixel tree instead as this will open a world of programming possabilaties and effects

+1 Even my mini tree line i wished I had used pixels, it makes connecting it much easier, as plain RGB uses a lot of cables!

Pixels just need power every now and then and data in.
well i have a dum rgb and you are righ i am going pixel next year to replace my 24 ft mulicolor led... price are way down compare to last year as i pay close to 60 $ for a string of pixel last year and now it is down to 20 a string... so here come the pixel next year ... and also nutcraker make sequenceing way more possible for me ... so i would way as i am planning for next year to byt have not made my decision yet as price may even go down more in feb ... who know what new technologie will bring us ..