It's the business end of blinky season and I'd imagine that most of you have heard "wow. how much does your electricity bill go up". Most find it very hard to believe that running a couple kilowatts of lights can cost next to nothing. As proof of this I'm planning on recording my actual power usage from switch on to switch off tonight and in a weeks time when the lights aren't in use record my usage for the same period. If anyone feels like doing the same to show how little blink lights use then try to make sure things that aren't running during your show like spa baths, pool filters or air conditioners aren't running again during the time that you record the non-blinky usage. Without recording my usage yet I'd guess that over the 4 hours that my show will be running tonight with close to 3kW of lights when they are all on I would guess that I'd use about 0.7kWhr which will be likely to cost me about 21 cents for peak power usage. As I get off peak power on the weekends it will cost me about 5 cents tonight 
Even if all my lights were on 100% of the time they'd barely cost $100 to run for the month of December. That's about 1/2 the cost of a controller, the cost of a few lights from China and about 1% of what 1 wow is worth.
Even if all my lights were on 100% of the time they'd barely cost $100 to run for the month of December. That's about 1/2 the cost of a controller, the cost of a few lights from China and about 1% of what 1 wow is worth.