How to display a big digit


New elf
Jan 15, 2020
I would like to display a "big digit" and my question is how to do it the easiest way.
It would be like a window frame model with a line of pixels through the middle.
Would I need to make a custom model? Or is there an easier way?
I'm sure this has been done before but cant find a video or tutorial explaining.
Any help appreiciated

A big digit as in a big finger or big digit as in a big number?
What are you planning/expecting to do with the digit?
As you can't post pics until your post count gets a bit higher (I forget the number) can you find a picture online of something similar to what you are talking about.
I'm assuming you want to display numbers in the window. There is no standard model that I am aware of. The configuration depends on the style of font you want to use. If you want something similar to an old LCD display, you can get by with the equivalent of a simple seven segment display. You would have to group each segment and then program the segments to create the numbers you want. It would be somewhat tedious but after each number is created once, you can copy and paste.
sorry for my bad description, yes I should have said a seven segement digit.
This would go around my window which is approx. 1 meter by 2 meters and one segment in the middle.
Being new to xLights I was wondering how to do this best.
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I'm still a novice with xLights myself but I my understanding is xLights supports groups and sub-groups (someone please correct me if wrong) of models. I suggest grouping the rows and columns of pixels as 7 individual models. Those models would then be strategically grouped in models for the 0-9 digits. Using a "3" as an example, only a single model would need turned on rather than 5 segment models or more elemental, several hundred pixels.

For the 0-9 character set some segments exist within a sub-set (ie: the 2 right vertical segments used in 0, 1, 3, etc.) so defining of the models could be expanded being careful to not sacrifice model definition simplicity.
yea that video (linked above) sorted me out - thanks all!