info on making window frames for pixels

I was trying 1/2 inch pipe but am going to try the 3/4 which will be 1 inch outside diameter as suggest
Need to improve the jig I am using so I can get the holes centered in the pipe
We have had two weeks of below normal cold weather and the garage— my work space— is not heated
Which is not helping with my concentration
Adding in the 12mm shaft to slide the first hole onto really helped my jig and stopped the conduit rotating. Drill front and rear of this hole to 12mm whilst doing the others, and then enlarge the rear afterwards.
I drilled through all holes with a small (3mm / 1/8") bit initially to mark the front and rear/ The step bit then used those as guide holes to enlarge out to 12mm front / 18mm rear.
It was more work on the drill press, but the concept worked well and I was happy with the result.
I admit this is not for a window frame, but for my roof outline I used 20mm conduit and seed pixels mounted with 3d printed clips every 5 seeds. I used another 3d printed clip with magnets to hold it on the metal colourbond roof. Withstood 6 weeks of FNQ weather although some of the clips were a little brittle at the end of the season. Super easy to make and install.