Issue with selecting effects


Apprentice elf
Oct 14, 2022
This seems like a ridiculous thing to ask about... but about 1/2 of my time sequencing today was spent trying to select effects on the timeline.
I have an imported Vixen project on my xlights timeline, so lots of little adjustment are needed.
It seems I have to hunt around on the effect for 15 seconds before I find the sweet spot and the pointer turns to the pointed finger so I can select and move (or copy) the effect. The first several times I try to click on a given effect a red box appears over a portion of it-- I can't find what the significance of that is.
I can right click on effects just fine -- just loads of issues left clicking/selecting.
Any tips?
not sure what ive found working with xlights for the first time will help but ...

DON"T have timing tracks selected when trying right click or alike it will hinder your abilty to edit / move somethings

when selecting a group / number of effects right click somewhere ... even in what you may think is the sillest of places as it will bring up bulk edit (most helpful thing i ever found)

playing around with Buffer render style makes the world of difference to something you thought should of looked right but doesnt play fair
Click the box locatee in the dead center of the effect. Or drag a box around the effect(s) to select. The red box is probably the timing grid cell getting selected instead.
Dragging a box around the effect(s) doesn't work for me. Maybe I need to adjust something in the settings?
Maybe try zooming in on the timeline to get finer movement and be able to select edges easier
Did you try @fugley 's answer? If you have timing tracks selected it may behave the way you describe. If the circle is filled, click on it to unselect. Make sure none are selected. Then see if you can select effects by dragging a box around them. Otherwise it will select timing cells instead of effects.
