Issue with WLAN1 timeout on startup


New elf
Sep 10, 2022
Hello everyone, I have an issue that is nothing more than an annoyance but I would still like to fix it without having to completely reinstall FPP as everything works great with my show. At one point, I installed a USB Wi-Fi adapter on my Pi 3b to try and get better Wi-Fi coverage. It did not work out any better, so I removed it but ever since, every time I reboot the Pi I get Timed Out waiting for device /sys/subsystem/net/devices/wlan1 as well as dependency failed for WPA supplicant daemon (interface-specific version). (image attached) I have tried everything i can find online to fix this but have been unsuccessful. If anyone can suggest a possible solution it would be greatly appreciated. if you list the devices it does not show WLAN1 as it's not physically connected but in the /etc/wpa_supplicant folder it shows a wpa_supplicant-wlan1.conf and if i delete it, it comes back on it's own. The config for WLAN1 is just stuck somewhere in the config and i can't clear it.

FPP.jpgThe wpa_supplicant.conf file shows the following.

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

Thanks in advance.

What version of FPP are you running?
How did you originally add the USB Wifi adaptor?

Maybe @dkulp, @darylc, can give some insight?
Sounds like it would be best to perform a config backup on the existing system, grab a new SD with 7.5 imaged to it and start fresh.
Restore your backup once it's up and running.

It's likely that something is not playing right in the underlying Linux subsystem, and unless you want to delve right into it from a linux perspective the above is the easier option to get running again.
That's exactly what I ended up doing and it resolved the issue. The backup brought back almost all my settings so I only had to tweak it a bit. All good now. Thanks everyone.