Just saying hi


New elf
Aug 23, 2020
Good day all. Working on a project for a ladder truck and was given this for a source of info.
Hello @Jleary and Welcome to ACL!

A great place to start is the 101 manual! It is diffidently a good source of information.
Read up in the evenings, it is a lot to take in at first. https://auschristmaslighting.com/threads/auschristmaslighting-101-manual.1889/.

Importantly; study, study, plan and repeat. Make sure you know what you're wanting before you spend money!
I would diffidently look around before buying kits, much cheaper and more suited when custom made. And it's part of the fun making your own!

Enjoy the community.
Thanks for the info. Have a mentor helping me and about a quarter of the way thru the 101 manual and starting to understand some of the things we have been discussing. Will definitely get some pics or videos of what we put together up for everyone to check out.