Last minute net lights?


Minister of Silly Walks
May 9, 2010
Toowoomba, Australia
I was feeling lazy this year and thought I would get a couple of net lights to do the bushes in the garden. Problem is the only ones I found local are at Target 2 x 1.5m net LED for $50. Ouch! A quick search around the interwebs revealed they do seem to be on the expensive side. It is just too late to be ordering from China, etc. (don't yell at me . . . :D) - so just wondering if anyone has spotted a good deal on LED net lights in Oz?
About 5 days delivery from Ray Wu. I'd hardly call that too late for this Xmas. I haven't looked to see if he has net lights but there doesn't seem to be much he doesn't have.
i reckon you could be a bit late this year tootles, the china men have them cheap, but getting them sent over this time of year might be cutting things fine
Its not too late yet, it would take say 2 to 3 weeks for delivery from China so still a few weeks left before you really start pushing for time
I agree, depending on who the shipping company is it could be 5 days(DHL or TNT) to 3 weeks (EMS + Hong Kong Post)

Order extras though to allow for some sort of a failure rate
Ray is delivery things in 2 to 3 days at the moment unless you are going to make major modifications to them you should have plenty of time
Thanks for the info guys. I only want 5 sets - last time I ordered from China they wanted a pretty decent sized order (250 sets of lights to be exact). Does this Ray do small orders like that? If so, what's his site? A week or 2 delivery is not too late at all (again going from last time I ordered lights from China it took 2 months).
Thanks :D
I'll let you know. He should be posting my box tomorrow
I thought I would follow this up - while now is probably too late to buy lights from China, I am pleasantly surprised to find that you can in fact order lights up to the last minute if you really want to try your luck. The only delay was waiting from payment to postage which Ray admitted was an oversight on his part (took 2 weeks from payment cleared to receiving a postage tracking number, actual delivery only took 3 days). Was happy with his service though, which matters a lot. Thanks for suggesting I give him a try! :)