LED String Mini Trees

Christmas on Clarafield

Full time elf
Nov 9, 2011
I'm after opinion on setting up or modifying my mini trees for 2012.

In the short time that I got started this year I managed to get 4 mini trees, each with Big W 200 Red and 200 Green strings attached to the same frame that David used for his RGB here. For now each string is only run as 1 channel although they are 2 channel strings. For next year I am looking at adding Blue strings and having 8 mini trees.

First question: Is 200 lights per colour per minitree too many? or should I cut them back to 100?

Second: If they stay 200 should I run each colour as 2 channels to be able to use a shimmer/sparkle effect? Is it worth the extra channel count?

Third: When sequencing, is it best to order the channels 1R/1G/1B/2R/2G/2B/.. etc. or 1R/2R/..8R/1G/2G.. etc?

Now I realise there is the RGB option but as yet I am not entertaining that idea during 2011. I look forward to your opinions on this.


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First question: Is 200 lights per colour per minitree too many? or should I cut them back to 100?
I use two 50 light strings (100) per tree and my trees are a tiny bit shorter than yours. Too many lights on 1 object can overpower other light fixtures in close proximity. This year I am redoing my 8 mini-trees, using coro trees instead, cutting the lights down to 50 per tree, going from 8 trees to 16.

Second: If they stay 200 should I run each colour as 2 channels to be able to use a shimmer/sparkle effect? Is it worth the extra channel count?
The sequencing software you use hopefully has an effect like this built into it. So only 1 channel would be needed.

Third: When sequencing, is it best to order the channels 1R/1G/1B/2R/2G/2B/.. etc. or 1R/2R/..8R/1G/2G.. etc?
The LOR web site has a channel chart, it’s suppose to be a standard. I ignore it and do my own thing. As long as I know what channel controls which set of lights, that’s all that matters. I set the channels to make it as easy as possible on my feeble brain when sequencing.​
pipersmall said:
I'm after opinion on setting up or modifying my mini trees for 2012.

In the short time that I got started this year I managed to get 4 mini trees, each with Big W 200 Red and 200 Green strings attached to the same frame that David used for his RGB here. For now each string is only run as 1 channel although they are 2 channel strings. For next year I am looking at adding Blue strings and having 8 mini trees.

First question: Is 200 lights per colour per minitree too many? or should I cut them back to 100?
With the brightness of LEDs, I find 100/minitree is adequate and I would cut the strings in half.

Second: If they stay 200 should I run each colour as 2 channels to be able to use a shimmer/sparkle effect? Is it worth the extra channel count?
I find that the ability to rapidly flash (or twinkle) the alternative channels in a string is very effective and cannot be achieved without driving the two circuits from separate LOR channels. I use this effect extensively on my megatree, roof trees, roofline icicles and bushes. Invariably when I want the twinkle effect, I do not want to chase. I have installed a series of relays connected as shown in the attached sketch. When I want to chase (ie both circuits in a string connected to 1 LOR channel), the relay is not powered. However when I want to twinkle, the appropriate bank of relays is powered, and 1 circuit from two adjacent trees is connected to a LOR channel while the other two circuits are connected to LOR channel+1.

This setup achieves the required operation by adding only 1 extra control channel/group instead of doubling the number of channels. Your grouping could be 1 bank of relays to cover all colours and minitrees. or you could do this by having separate relay groups for each colour. (See also my posts in topic http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,1165.0.html )

Third: When sequencing, is it best to order the channels 1R/1G/1B/2R/2G/2B/.. etc. or 1R/2R/..8R/1G/2G.. etc?

Now I realise there is the RGB option but as yet I am not entertaining that idea during 2011. I look forward to your opinions on this.
When ordering my minitrees in the sequencer, I keep them ordered by colour eg 1R, 2R, 3R.... 1G, 2G, 3G... as this makes setting up chases much simpler. With LOR, you can have both worlds by simply copying the channels to a separate track where the order can be by tree.

Hope this helps Geoff


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All my mini trees are RGB with 200 CT strings. I have 15 of them , and all are at least 600mm tall.

Everyone comments on the minis, and I find running them at 50% and chasing over the top with 100% is very effective.

Using David's 48 channel board has helped me increase the Channel count to 3 per tree, and stil have large concentrations of trees.
wjohn do you have any videos or your mini trees? I think that would be an interesting effect chasing 100% over the top of 50%.
I am however, leaning towards cutting them back to 100ct per colour per tree then adding a couple of extra trees and adding white also. So now Im looking at using a dedicated DC48 just for the mini trees (10-12 x 4 colours).
Geoff I do like the idea of using the relays to add the extra effect without the high channel usage but after reading the posts Im still dont quite understand how it all connects together or how I would go about building it?