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- #16
bratmat said:HI I am new on this forum, and sorry for bad English :-(
I'm curious if someone on this forum knows how fast can be IC LED with the chip 16716. Few weeks ago I tried to use pixel led with the IC 6803 but it's very slow chip. I think it can only 20FPS. And I have a lot problems because my client want to use strobo effect with those leds, but they lost a lot of frames. They are connected to pc by DMX Decoder and works with Madrix software. Is it possible that leds on ic16716 will be much faster ?
Hi brat,
I've used both 16716 and 6803 just few weeks ago. The largest project I did was 1000 of those 6803 in series using a controller with SD card...I think you can easily get one from alibaba...those controller broadcast SPI-like signal. That's what I observed from my oscillator.
As for the refresh rate...i haven't had any problem whatsoever with them. My sweeping effects look good and no delay/laggy issue so far. As for the actual refresh rate, I think you would need an oscillator for that.