Lights for boats - Fishing.


New elf
Nov 30, 2012
Far North Queensland
So recently got a boat and would like to add some underwater lights to attract squid and the fish food chain, what recommendations do people here have for a decent efficiency setup with great water and salt resistance? Was thinking something in the cree family. There are dedicated bunglights which are an option but they seem pretty pricey for what they are. Would prefer them to be permanently mounted, but the other option is LED strips in sealed clear tubes. Will probably be using green lights.

Also wondering if anyone knew of a decent inline 12v PWM dimmer that isn't too pricey and preferably ip68, I will be placing some ip68 silicone tubed LED strips under the gunnels and side pockets and would like to dim them. Boat originally had the exposed back ones without dimming and they are too bright to leave on and screw up night vision too much + bugcity. Possibly switching these to red as it's mainly just used for rerigging tackle.
Christmas lights now turning in to questions about fishing...

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Apologies if this is in the wrong topic area, mods can move it to the right one (Is the family room the correct one?). Asking on ausxmaslights forum as I figured people here would know quite a lot about weatherproofing and LED lights, suppliers, PWM dimmers, etc.

I believe green is the colour most of the fish food chain see the best. Will look into OceanLED, thank-you.
youtube video, green led seems to be the colour to attract the fish google and check it out.
cheers Boof63
Brother bought a boat, but I add a bit to it. They sure do suck up the money.
I see there are 10w RGB spotlights with stainless steel housings and a remote for 15 each so I may try two of those for the fish lights and just leave set to green. Hardest part seems to just be finding a housing for LED's that is watersealed and salt-water resistant.
Ocean LED seem to be quite expensive :(