Lines in text on p10 panels.

Do you mean why is it red ?

If so , it could be that the panels are not getting power properly and may be drawing power thru the BBB.

If that is not the issue , then please describe ...
It is supposed to be red, the lines above the letters and in the middle of the C in Christmas should not be there.
In xl, how is the effect made of ?
Do you have the same problem if you just use the text effect with one line of plain text without the red background effect ?
If yes , then can u post a pic if your xl model and your BBB defn .
On the BBB FP , is the e131 not ticked and the BBB Cape also not ticked ie only the LED panels should be ticked.
Finally , are u using bridge mode or running an fseq ?
Are u testing from the display testing page on the BBB FP ?
Well I didn't hear you mention it but do all the other effects work fine? Are you just getting started and this is the first thing you're trying on the P10 matrix? I know my first effects I had things setup wrong and weird things were happening. Can you drop a Butterfly effect on it and see if its aligned across the whole matrix?