LipSync in LSP


Full time elf
May 2, 2010
Kaiapoi, New Zealand
I have LipSyncing Santa & Reindeer in many of my sequences for my 2012 show, these are now complete and were done in Vixen 2.1 with the Papagayo import. I have now bought a copy of LSP for next years shows to make the most of the RGB I am putting together.
Long winded but, my question is, has anyone made a LipSinc sequence in LSP and how did they do it? I will use the next short while to play with LSP to familiarise myself, I have spent hundreds of hours this year and hope LSP will speed up the process next year.

I have been watching the LSP tutorials and highly recommend them, well worth a watch.

Cheers Kev :)
Well good news to the one guy that wants to LipSync in LSP!!

Anyway, I have just installed LSP 2.5 and successfully imported a Vixen 2.0 show with lipsync tracks into LSP 2.5, yah!!!

The timings look good but I have yet to check it out fully, I will up date the findings as I go.

Kev :)