Looking for timing marks from Audacity.


Apprentice elf
Jan 7, 2014
Anyone sharing timing marks?

Most of you have done the common songs and was wondering if you would share your timing marks.
Preferably for Vixen3 or Audacity.
I believe that Sean embeds a timing mark folder inside xlights downloads. I know that on at least 1 of the xlights downloads I've grabbed I got a whole bunch of audacity timing files. On the quick look through there were none that suited me other than Wizards in Winter which I had already. It's not actually that hard a process to do it with audacity. Sean has a great tutorial that he's done as part of the xlight tutorial series.
While we are on this, I have followed the instructions and made a text file through audacity. However when I go into nutcracker to open it, it does not show to be able to be selected. The text file has the exact same properties as the ones in the nutcracker folder. I even placed this file in the nutcracker song folder, but it still doesn't show up when trying to select it through briwse files in nutcracker.

Is there any reason for this?
if you have a timing file created from label export from audacity. If you view it should have 3 columns
col 1 start time , in seconds
col 2, end time, in seconds
col 3, label

When you open a file using the 3rd option in the NUTCRACKER tab "New Musical Sequence". 3rd option means create a new sequence form a sound file. you must click the "Audacity" click box. It opens the sound file and then prompts for the audacity label file. this can be located anywhere as you can change the directory