LOR super star and 1.31


New elf
Dec 10, 2011
yakima, wa
I am close to starting my show. I have superstar sequencer. I created a blank sequence with all my features then I copy and paste the superstar sequence into blank and rename it to which ever the song is sequenced to.

I am using a E681 controller with ws2811 rgb strips. I have successfully setup the webserver and ran a test sequence.

Now to my question my blank sequence has 12 ccr controllers that I copy and paste to. I notice there are about 6 extra channels at the end of the ccr in the sequence editor. Do I need to delete these or can they stay with no issues.

Will my strips and controller work correctly with this set up or do I need to change it? I did configure lor network to e1.31 and multicast for the first 4 universes.

I also am using 96 channels of regular lor controllers will these still work with the rest of my show?

These added channels at the end are used for macros, so take a look at the CCR manual for how to use the macro feature. So if you delete them then all you are doing is removing those channels that deal with the macro effects.
Ok so I should leave it alone then. I do know superstar does put in macros.
Even though it's set as a ccr controller it should still out put to my e681 and ws2811 strips? I know Jim said I wouldn't need an lor once LOR went to e1.31

How do I set lor to use both e1.31 and normal lor controllers. This is my first year using lor I used to use lsp.
Im not sure as I use LSP, so looks like you may have gone backwards in sequencing software :eek: ;) now wait for the LOR supporters :D
Hahaha Eddy remember I had the issue with importing LOR RGB into LSP. Also to me superstar is so super easy to sequence RGB.