LOR USB adapter to dmx activating wrong channels


New elf
Oct 19, 2012
I'm using a lor dongle with my first dmx 3 channel rgb controller. When I test it the wrong colors show up. I triple checked all my connections and channel settings. I finally downloaded xlight and tested my setup. It worked perfect with xlight! So I go back to lor and it still does not work. I saw one lor forums people complaining of simalar issues but I didn't see a fix. Any one have any ideas?
The easy solution is to offset the channel being sent out in LOR or alternatively offset the start address in the 3 channel controller.
It's the timing that the lor comm listener sends out is the problem. The 3 channel boards (and also my 60 channel boards) don't detect the correct point where the dmx stream starts.
There are some good posts in this thread http://forums.auschristmaslighting.com/index.php?topic=2854 which go into why it happens.
Thanks. Ill try that. Hopefully that works. I really wanted to add a lot of rgb controllers and have them working or Christmas.