LOR1602 and xLights DMX thru Falcon F16v5


New elf
Jan 15, 2021
I have a Falcon F16v5 and have daisy chained 4 LOR 1602 AC controllers plugged into the RJ45 serial port RJ45 on the Falcon with the jumpers set to LOR

I set the channels as thus

LOR Controller ID1: Channels 1-16
LOR Controller ID2: Channels 17-32
LOR Controller ID3: Channels 33-48
LOR Controller ID4: Channels 49 -64

All are set for Universe 1 and all channels fire in test mode

The Issue is that when running a test sequence, testing a model mapped to channel 9 it will fire all 4 controllers that have lights plugged into port 9 on each instead of just controller 1.

I rechecked the IDs on the controllers and they are all set correctly

I assume I have an issue with my model but cant seam to isolate it. I have tried every variation of the settings with the same

Really need help here.
