LSP - Matrix Animation


Full time elf
Feb 8, 2012
Have just started having a play around with LSP 2, particularly the matrix animation part, seems difficult with the limited editing, is there a pixel program I can use to do the animation then import it into LSP, have tried a few different ones, but when imported into the editor every pixel is turned on, if I make the back ground black so no physical LED is turned on, will this slow the system down as an on command will still be sent to all pixel channels in the range.
Im a bit confused somewhat on what your trying to do. I find the matrix editor to be pretty good, you can duplicate a frame, then move the frame in any direction, and edit if needed, just wish it had a text generator. The other way is to just import a video into the matrix tool but this is very dependant on both the resolution of the image/video you are using and the resolution of the matrix that you have. Remember dont treat this like a video screen trying to get 30 frames a second or you will be in for dissapointment as thats a lot of data to process.
Ed, txt was the main thing I was trying out, in the process of building a scrolling sign as my first project playing with pixels, just found the editing tedious having to click on every single pixel, say instead of click 1 pixel and dragging to the last releasing and having the line drawn ect, or is there some way of doing this?
It is tedious as you do have to click on each box to make it active and text is painful, but i just duplicate and then move one step to the side and then add the next bit to the grid and so on, so text is definetly a bit of a task.
Thx Ed, will keep having a play around with the editor, and study up on the the AVI importing side of things. As I say have found some good free pixel editors that have made generating the animation easy or should say easier, but after import every pixel box is turned on (including the black back ground, although the physical pixel wouldn't turn on and turning off all those Boxes would take even longer) my main question is do you think it would slow everything down with all the that "on" data being sent per pixel string? As a noob not to sure about how much data can be transmitted at one time and what constraints there are etc.
There are 2 major factors in play here that will determine this. How large is the matrix (how many pixels) and what refresh rate will you use. basically a balance of these will determine if it will be too much data, something i cant actually answer without testing, so test test test.
But an idea of what your wanting to achieve will give us a better idea
working on a 10 x 100 matrix using pixel strings or maybe a 10 x 80 using strips. Not sure about refresh rate as only using text and chunky graphics, waiting for my first lot of pixels to arrive so as you suggest test, test, test which I will do when they get here. As to what I am trying to achieve I suppose is, being pretty lazy at heart, to generate the text and graphics for the sign the easiest way possible with better editing than the matrix animator built into LSP :)