LSP - New Release v2.5.4720.315


Is that Magic Smoke?!?
Oct 18, 2011
No longer in Radelaide
Copied from the LSP site

The management of LSPro, in coordination with the QCC, the Beta-testing Team and the LSPro programming team, are pleased to offer this new fix-release to V2.5. This is a major change to the software and as such it has been tested by the majority of the beta team testers. Because of the enormity of the change it can be assumed that not every situation has been tested. We strongly advise making sure you have all of your files backed up to include the install files for the last public release numbered 2.5. 4683_24392 to insure you can return to your current state in the event of any undiscovered issues with this release. Below please find a list of the fixes/improvments made.

1. 64 bit capability , you will know if you are running 64 bit if you look at the title bar and it has "64 bit" at the end.
The install will ask to download the 64 bit codec if you are running 64 bit.
2. Reworked Plugin Wizards and Minleon/Conductor Wizards, only difference is they look differently graphically. Functionality will remain the same.
3. Improved scheduler output efficiency and added multi-threading.
4. No more dynamic help.
5. Voice over tab added back in with new voiceovers provided by Minleon.
6. Jukebox added back.
7. Improved scheduler reliability with plugin pop-ups only coming up when they should.
8. Fixed Audio muting when playing a video that contains audio in your show.
9. Fixed closing of video screen when show completes.
10. Fixes Marquee Macro Effect issue in Sequencer
11. Fixes Scheduler issue where show does not continue after starting media file is finished playing.

As a note, due to time, no copy paste issues have been addressed in this release.

Link -

We thank you for your patience as we continue to improve LSPro and hope these fixes will make your holiday lighting experience more enjoyable.
Hmmm...for some reason my Enttec USB Open DMX will not configure...its listed in my ports, shows up as an option in the config page, but when I press finish...still says not configured. Tested my lights and no output from Enttec device.
Installed the update, and after reconfiguring the scheduler my show started right up. No more annoying Renard output pop-up :) Hopefully I'll get some time to sequence this weekend so see what else has been addressed.
Very good to see some continual bug improvements over the last couple of months. And it looks like this will be a continuing exercise, rather than including additional functionality on what is already a functionally rich software suite. Fantastic!

In regards to software development, Rome was never built in a day....nor was it built as a house of cards.
Anyone notice with the new release that shimmer and twinkle function don't work properly :-[
Corey said:
Anyone notice with the new release that shimmer and twinkle function don't work properly :-[
Hi Corey

Any chance you can elaborate on this, to maybe help others out that may face this issue?

Is this RGB Twinkle/Shimmer? - does it not work at all, or do you get output different to what you expect?

Previous versions have a wierd quirk with White Twinkle - where it actually doesn't twinkle white (or to be more accurate - it twinkles white on the visualiser, but output is different - it twinkles in multi colour) I use this effect a bit, and to be honest, would be a little annoyed if it was changed to actually twinkle white!
After upgrading I have found that the visualiser is slightly out of sync with sequences I have already been creating on the previous version, I reloaded the last version and it sync's correctly again.
Can anyone confirm that after the upgrade you have to recreate the show completely again? I tried the upgrade yesterday and the show didn't output to the controller at all. I have to reinstall the previous version to get it working again. Quite embarrassing when you have 30 or so people waiting for the show to start and the music is the only thing running!
Im only new to this and only been using LSP and RGB's for a few months, however the version I used prior to this (dont know version number) the twinkle worked, kinda, as you described Kane, white twinkle with other colours, and I too liked this effect. After downloading latest version last night and fired it up, all rgb's and I think the Leds also behaved strange when in twinkle or shimmer mode. RGB' s stayed solid colour, with half the lights on the strings not on at all, quite strange. It did however fix the problem I was having with controllers unticking themselves in "configure controller output plugin" which meant nothing was selected for output when I started playback, that was annoying. If anyone knows why please your help would be appreciated!!! Thanks Corey
Ive gone back to previous version and shimmer/twinkle are up and running again. However problem with automatically unselecting controllers in configure output plugin still exists :-[
I too have noticed the solid colour with twinkle effect and shimmer. Occasionally through my sequences it appears that they work a little bit, but other times, they are just static colours.

Dont really want to downgrade it to a different version just yet, as it is really only me that is noticing it.
I too have noticed twinkle and shimmer sometimes work and then other times not.

Also the visualiser is useless now as it looks like it seconds behind the sequence.