LSP Scheduler HELP!


New elf
Mar 19, 2011
Orange County, CA

So I have 2 LOR 16 channel boxes, and 1 Stellascapes e16 with 4 85 pixel strings attached to it. In the sequencer all the lights come on and work. But when I play the show from the scheduler the RGB pixels from the e16 wont work.

Anyone know why? Or knows how to fix it?

Thanks in advance!

ps. My halloween show was supposed to start today... whoops... Haha.
After discussion in chat with Scott the issue was found to be that he had not setup the e1.31 config in the LSP scheduler, but had only done it for the sequencer. Once the E1.31 config was setup in the scheduler Scott had show time.
An easy mistake to make
So in LSP the schedular and sequencer use different hardware profiles?
Is it possible to copy or load the profile from the sequencer to the schedular or do you have to recreate it?
Yes it seems to be the case with E1.31. I havent played much with the scheduler yet this year and my memory is rusty on what i did last year, but something to be aware of. Maybe a better question to ask over at the LSP forum