Matrix inside mega tree


Full time elf
Feb 1, 2020
New to all this but got my mega tree working today. 50 X 12 strings 100mm spacing. Proof of concept. It struck that it would be cool and efficient of I could increase the pixel count in the centre section to 50mm making a dence Matrix. Anyone done it or tried it?
50mm or 2" spacing from what i see is pretty common on 50 strand megatrees,
Really depends on your viewing distance,

Daniels above looks like 1" spacing (25mm) to me, but could be wrong,

My tree is 50 @ 2" x 16 strands, normal viewing is about 4 meters (on the footpath/ my side of the road) and images can be a little harder to make out,
But it looks alot better on it from 10+ mtrs back (other side of street) (and obviosuly better in the dark, sorry was just a quick pic i found)


84358490_1845982748869273_3061934910336925696_n.jpg 79376257_2199320100364504_2068483651644948480_n.jpg
Was thinking it would be cool have high density centre section
Was thinking it would be cool have high density centre section

Yeah you can do anything you want really, it may be tricky to model in xlights and would probably need to be a custom model but should be able to,
Worst thing that happens is if you dont like the end result, you can pull it apart, put them whatever normal spacing, and use any surplus elsewhere, its always good to try new things and be different,
Software side not my strong suit. Ok to be honest I got nothing. This the first chat room I have been to
xLights will assume all things will be equal: Either your mega tree will consistently be X stips by Y nodes or your Matrix will be X pixels by Y pixels. The models wouldn't account for the extra pixels you're planning to add in the middle.

As Cathelest says you'd need to use a custom model.

Have you considered just building a separate matrix and insert it between the megatree strips as a separate prop? If you wanted to run an effect over both of them you could add both models to a group, but it would take a bit of fine tuning to line them up in xlights and how it's physically mounted outside.
Thanks for the input. I had feeling it would be that way. But hey I'm going with ' no stupid questions'