Mega trees

Anastasia sidiropoulos

Anastasia (Stacey)
Sep 29, 2017
Good evening all. Hope this post finds you all well and that you are all coping with Covid 19.
I’m starting to plan for Christmas 2020 and am hoping that I can finally get my hands on a mega tree. It’s the one thing that I really want for that wow factor.
Before I go searching overseas for a potential import, is there anyone here in Australia that builds them now? I have found someone in the US and are quite easy to assemble but they are not cheap. I’m waiting for some specs too so I can share with you. Hoping for some advice. Kind regards
Before I go searching overseas for a potential import, is there anyone here in Australia that builds them now? I have found someone in the US and are quite easy to assemble but they are not cheap.
First things; your best to make your own.

Some basic tools will help you with this, like a drill and saws with metal cutting teeth.
There is plenty of other peoples builds around. Such as @LawrenceDriveLights 's one;

Mega tree toppers can be purchases from our AU friend

DIY it, it's part of the fun!
Totally agree, best to make you own,
Im not any good with metal, so build one with wood,
I built a tree that is 50 pixels high (2inch spacing) x 16 strands, stands about 2.2mtrs tall, and then iv got a coro mega star on top,
I got a 4.5foot trampoline ring, a bunch of J hooks from bunnings, the metal topper from
I also got the black megatree strip from extreme aswell,

All up the frame/hardware/topper etc, excluding the lights/controller was around $300ish,
Adding the lights (280ish (800nodes) and i used smart receivers off my falcon & hp psu and a bunch of extras, 350ish,

So total build for me was around $650, you could save a few bucks here and there, but had alot of fun building it, went together great, suprised myself with the outcome, super proud of it, hardest thing was to find the trampoline ring to be honest,

Unfortunately megatrees are one of the things you are going to have to DIY, unless you want to spend a LOT of money.
As many on here know, I am one of the worst DIY guys around and buy as much pre-made as possible. Fortunately the mega tree strips from Troy at extremelightingdisplays make the job a bit easier. As do some of the great how-to and guides people have posted here and on YouTube.

Stacey, you didn't say what size and type of megatree you were thinking of building. A basic 16 strand by 50 pixels (2 inch spacing) like mine (Flat) or Cathelest's (round 180 degree) can look fairly good. However if you have a big yard and already have lots of lights, then a taller tree, with more strands and 'rounder', 270 or 360 degree, might be required.

Remember the bigger you go the more engineering is required. Several people's megatrees got blown over and damaged last year, so if you go big make sure it's secure.
Here is a detailed write up of what another member built from scratch. You can always adaprt to your own requirements (eg replace the hole punch and strapping with boscoyo/ELD premade strip.)
Unfortunately megatrees are one of the things you are going to have to DIY, unless you want to spend a LOT of money.
As many on here know, I am one of the worst DIY guys around and buy as much pre-made as possible. Fortunately the mega tree strips from Troy at extremelightingdisplays make the job a bit easier. As do some of the great how-to and guides people have posted here and on YouTube.

Stacey, you didn't say what size and type of megatree you were thinking of building. A basic 16 strand by 50 pixels (2 inch spacing) like mine (Flat) or Cathelest's (round 180 degree) can look fairly good. However if you have a big yard and already have lots of lights, then a taller tree, with more strands and 'rounder', 270 or 360 degree, might be required.

Remember the bigger you go the more engineering is required. Several people's megatrees got blown over and damaged last year, so if you go big make sure it's secure.
Thank you for the information. I was looking at Jolt Lighting in the USA. They are currently 40% off but still expensive. It’s a complete kit. The look fantastic. If I could commission someone in Melbourne to make it for me I would. Whilst I put the display together on my own, this mega tree is way out of my league. My home is FB page ‘Shaftsbury Lights’.
I used ruperts guide as linked by djgra79 as a starting point for my mega tree, but did it my way. It wasn't that hard, the only bits I needed help with was the welding and that was done by my brother-in-law... The rest was done using some parts I already had (The poll), and a visit to Bunnings for the rest.
The tree was only a little over 2m high, and 14 strands.
I did have plans on adding mega tree kits to my product lineup for this year. So far it hasn't happened as I've stayed well clear of my mate the metalworker who I was talking to about it before Christmas 2019. I might still get something on the market in time for Christmas if we all get out of lockdown in time. I wanted to do both the mechanical side of the tree kit along with a Pi based pixel controller so that the end user could have a working megatree within hrs.

On a side note your name is way up there with poetic sounding names Anastasia. Former reporter Anastasia Salamastrakis is still winning though :D
I did have plans on adding mega tree kits to my product lineup for this year. So far it hasn't happened as I've stayed well clear of my mate the metalworker who I was talking to about it before Christmas 2019. I might still get something on the market in time for Christmas if we all get out of lockdown in time. I wanted to do both the mechanical side of the tree kit along with a Pi based pixel controller so that the end user could have a working megatree within hrs.

On a side note your name is way up there with poetic sounding names Anastasia. Former reporter Anastasia Salamastrakis is still winning though :D
Hi thank you for your comments. Would love to know if you do decide to make them. I don’t know how to construct them and it’s definitely a bucket list item for my light display @shaftsburylights.
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I did have plans on adding mega tree kits to my product lineup for this year. So far it hasn't happened as I've stayed well clear of my mate the metalworker who I was talking to about it before Christmas 2019. I might still get something on the market in time for Christmas if we all get out of lockdown in time. I wanted to do both the mechanical side of the tree kit along with a Pi based pixel controller so that the end user could have a working megatree within hrs.

On a side note your name is way up there with poetic sounding names Anastasia. Former reporter Anastasia Salamastrakis is still winning though :D
Would be interesting to see what you put together, I think it will do well