Miscoloured lights


New elf
Nov 23, 2019
I have 8 arches the the first one is lighting up correctly second is half right and it gets worse for the rest of the model and stuck how to get them to work

I am running it off falcon pi player v3.5.1

any help would be great
You need to provide more info. Are you injecting power? What's the cable distance to the prop and between props?, voltage? otherwise we will be guessing.
I presuming that there is nothing wrong with any of that since i have had it working once before and then the rain killed one of my controllers
You don’t say what controller you are using, some controllers get upset if you run 512 channels on a universe and you need to set 510 channels per universe to get the 171st pixel working correctly. Falcon controllers don’t suffer this issue, but will have problems if there is a mismatch in settings between xlights, Pi player and controller.