Modernising a Play Kitchen


Crazy elf
Global moderator
Generous elf
Dec 19, 2021
Western Sydney
So my daughter got a play kitchen for Christmas last year.
Now, being a blinky enthusiast, there's no way I could leave it as the plain kitchen straight from KMart (

The end result:

Oven- 2 rows of 8 pixels horizontally across the roof
Microwave - 20 pixels arranged in a rectangle around the door, facing inwards - 6 across the top and bottom, 4 up and down the sides
Fridge - U-shaped pixels on the roof, 6-7-6 formation

FPP 6.3 running on an old Raspberry Pi 1B+ - No hats/capes - everything wired direct to the Pi.
rpiws281x driver being used (so no onboard sound).
USB sound card, a little 0.5V amplifier, and a 40mm mylar speaker in the enclosure.
5x GPIOs connected to three door switches and two push buttons.
A single 'null' pixel inside the control box acting as a level shifter to the first run of pixels.
All done with 5V, 30/m strip.

One CAT5 to each appliance - which uses the pairs as follows:
  • Orange - 5V/Ground
  • Green - Data In, Data Out
  • Blue - Push Button
  • Brown - Door Switch
The enclosure (black jiffy box from Jaycar) is mounted on the upper back wall of the oven.

The GPIOs trigger Command Presets that start and stop effect sequences for everything except the Microwave button. This is done triggering a playlist that has a full fseq & MP3 to give the microwave sound effects.
Very nice work. Love the chase effect for the running microwave. Really should have the fridge change from blue to red slowly the longer the door is open ;)
Very nice work. Love the chase effect for the running microwave. Really should have the fridge change from blue to red slowly the longer the door is open ;)
Now that's a good idea :) Once she's big enough to open the real fridge, that'll definitely be a concern!!

I need to get a wifi dongle for it so I dont have to take the box apart to get to the ethernet port.
Someone has a daddy's girl! She's got you good! O_O😁
Oh you bet. She's the reason I seriously got into the whole lighting thing in the first place. The second one will probably "help" when she gets a bit older too :)