Multiple channels or one?


New elf
Feb 6, 2020
Last year i ran my show on one of Alan's RPI-28D+ and used both channels for roughly half of the display each with all the props in series with the data and it worked well. This year i've moved to one of Alan's HE-123 MK2 16 channel boards with the plan to run each section of props on their own channel. The only thing i just had a thought on is my gutters which are about 15mtr's long, should i run them all off the one channel or is there any benefit of splitting them across a couple of channels?
How many lights/pixels are we talking. You are really only adding another data cable or two. The only thing i would say is that if you run everything on one port and something was to glitch out, then that whole data run will be affected. Originally, I assigned my whole roof to a single port about 720 pixels but i have now split it into 2 so i can run sequences at 40fps.
How many lights/pixels are we talking. You are really only adding another data cable or two. The only thing i would say is that if you run everything on one port and something was to glitch out, then that whole data run will be affected. Originally, I assigned my whole roof to a single port about 720 pixels but i have now split it into 2 so i can run sequences at 40fps.
Yeah that was my thought on splitting it up in case i loose something atleast half will still run. At 2 inch spacing would be roughly 300 pixels i'd say.
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