My 1000th post


I have C.L.A.P
Global moderator
Apr 26, 2010
Albion Park NSW
Well this is my 1000th post at ACL so a bit of a milestone for me.

ACL has come such a long way since it was started by Phil, there have been ups and downs in the time ACL has been here and i have learnt a lot by taking on the moderator role here. I have met and spoken to many great people and watched ACL gain in membership

The vision was to create a place that focused on low voltage lighting, RGB and pixel based lighting and also to help serve the Australian lighting community but not restrict the forum to just Australians but to allow anyone anywhere to participate, contribute and share knowledge. I believe that initial vision still stands and the success of ACL has been far more than what Phil and myself envisaged when this journey began.

I hope ACL continues to be a major part of the lighting community helping those new to the hobby understand the technologies and terminologies used. I believe we are still very early in our journey at ACL and I look forward to seeing many new members join the forum and the hobby in the future.

So finally i would like to thank all those that have helped make ACL such a special place and also to thank the members of ACL as it would have not been successful without you all.
I am one of the Non-Australian's who joined this forum for the wealth of information on RGB LED's, Pixels, DMX, etc.
I have learned a lot here and really appreciate the work that you have put into making this site what it is!

Thank you!

Phoenix Arizona
Congratulations on your 1000th post Eddy. You've given a lot of your time to ACL since the start and have helped a lot of people. Now, get cracking to get your 2000th post! :D
Congrats Eddy!
As another one of the Non-Australian's who joined the forum to learn more about pixels, various controllers, and software packages that are currently available (as well as those in the planning stages) I very much appreciate the time and effort that you, Phil, and the others have put into this site!
1000 posts, 100 with handy info in them. Actually thats not a bad % based on some of the posters here :)

Congrats, and looking forward to the next 1000
lithgowlights said:
1000 posts, 100 with handy info in them. Actually thats not a bad % based on some of the posters here :)

Congrats, and looking forward to the next 1000

That makes your 82 turn into 8.2 posts of any value, so im still ahead of you :p , because your last one wasnt any value and this one from me isnt any value :D so i better look at doing a worth while post soon, mmmm maybe after the Brisbane mini, then i will have another 9 no value posts/rants before the next one of any value ;)
8 posts? Nah nowhere near that high here :)

Does it count if I edit your posts to rant Lithgow :D LOL
He'll just offer to send Ryan a 240V LOR board and Ryan could easliy slip and add an extra 1000 posts to Eddy's total :eek:
smartalec said:
this post is just a ploy for eddy to get even higher in post counts.. :D

Thanks Alec for that response as i now feel i have to reply which now gives me 1 more post towards 2000 :D
Fasteddy said:
Thanks Alec for that response as i now feel i have to reply which now gives me 1 more post towards 2000 :D

Imagine the post count you (and others) will gain from a certain queensland mini....
lithgowlights said:
He'll just offer to send Ryan a 240V LOR board and Ryan could easliy slip and add an extra 1000 posts to Eddy's total :eek:

That may have already been arranged as i may have been at 500 post only, Ryan set me up with the other 500 ;)
But at the rate we are posting looks like 2000 will come around a lot easier and now ive just wasted a few useless posts so now ill have to give a worthwhile one ::)

Damn i cant keep up with you guys, you are truely masters 8)
The Mating Habits of the Common House Fly

The common house fly (Musca domestica) searches for feces or rotting organic matter as part of their breeding cycle. Adult house flies fly up to 2 miles to find the right breeding site, according to the Illinois Department of Public Health. By preventing conditions favorable to their breeding, homeowners can help prevent or reduce house fly populations on their properties

Sexual Maturity
  • House flies grow from egg to mature breeding adult in as little as seven days in warm weather with access to plenty of food. Females need to eat protein such as rotting meat in order to manufacture eggs. Males become mature enough for mating when they are 72 hours old, but females are mature at little as 28 hours old, according to USDA's Entomology Research Station.
  • Males perform a complex mating dance that lasts only a split second to human eyes. Males can mount the wrong end of female flies and try to mate with other males. Mating usually occurs when the female is resting on a wall or other flat surface, but once copulation begins, the pair can fly off, still connected, if startled. The actual mating lasts anywhere from two to 96 minutes, unless interrupted. Females are larger than males and strong enough to throw off the suitor and escape.
Egg Laying Sites
  • Four to 20 days after mating, females are ready to lay eggs. Each egg is 1.2 millimeters long. Females lay an average of 75 to 150 eggs every day up to four days. Female flies lay eggs in manure, dead bodies or rotting food so that when the maggots emerge, they can immediately start to feed. Eggs need moisture or they will dehydrate and the maggot dies, so garbage heaps and animal manure piles make ideal breeding sites.
  • Clean up all food spills, keep food sealed in containers and keep all garbage in enclosed cans in order to block flies from getting into these breeding areas. Remove animal manure or spread it out to dry and kill any eggs inside. Block windows in homes with mesh screens in order to keep away flies. Keep doors closed as much as possible. House flies transmit numerous diseases. If they walk on manure or rotting corpses and then walk on food, anyone eating that food may get sick.
I hope this post is of value :D
Another word for the Fly is a Pest,
where they wont leave you alone an keep annoying you..
They hang around at our BBQ's uninvited,
an constantly hanging around our beer.

Now thats not you now is it eddy..