my proposal for blinky 2012


Senior elf
Nov 7, 2011
HI guys and girls, can somebody or somebodies please pass their eye over the setup i have planned out for 2012. As a newbie the dummies book, pdf's and forums etc have been fantastic. However as funds are tight i dont want to spend cash on the wrong items, so any help would be greatly appreciated,
thanks in advance
:D :D boof63


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it seems to me, option 2 includes option 1.

Why not start with option 1, then when you have it all working, think about going bigger to option 2? there is nothing wrong with setting up your lights in August for testing. I was making new layout plans in November and designing mini tree in January...

Personally I would go option 2 I have used and am not a fan of Dongles and the J1sys stuff is great
Im with Beacy option two, there is more of an investment cost in the first year but it pays off if you want to expand .
Option 1 allows you to put a cheap display together.
Option 2 allows you to expand next year by having a very solid starting base leaving more money for just lights and controllers in the years to follow
Out on a limb here and vote neither.
Cost effective setup would be as follows
Start with a Option 1 BUT use a ECG-D2 instead of a DMX dongle. bed that in and if funds allow expand into Option 2 but using ECG-P2's.
I believe this will work out more cost effective and provide a better growth path.
Ed Slonka Jr said:
Not trying to hijack the thread but Phil, where do you get the ECG-D2 & ECG-P2's?

Thanks, Ed

These are not released as of yet but should be over the next month or so
I tend to agree with Phil here as the elements you have a more of a distributed layout and this is where the D2 and P2 show their strengths as all you have to do is link different elements together from the one controller. Remember though that if you have more than 2 or 3 metres between elements then you may need a dummy pixel inbetween to regenerate the signal.

But this would be the cheapest and most cost effective way of achieving option 2.

If you already have a USB or LOR dongle then i see no need for a ECG-DR4 unless you choose a DMX option for your pixel controllers.
Ed Slonka Jr said:
Not trying to hijack the thread but Phil, where do you get the ECG-D2 & ECG-P2's?

Thanks, Ed

Ed, np.... should have posted a link to the preview thread.
For more info on the P2/D2 range see,2116.0.html

btw these things are tiny, not much bigger than a TP3244 and it was considered tiny. I've seen (via skype) the ECG-P2 functional so it's really a case of Ed ramping up some production and finalising firmware before they are formally released.

thanks to all who have replied. Costings are around the $1200 dollars for the lot if i can budget for that(incandescent exisitng and spinners dumb rgb on hand now) all rgb 2801 would be new product. Am looking at using vixen, but HSL video's look really promising for a newbie as well.
Will follow up on links and work through all the advice, ak leaning towards the future so long term expandaibility would be good investment in time and money.
cheers and thanks

boof63 :) :) :) :) :)