Naming your light displays


Full time elf
Dec 30, 2011
Hi all,
Heres a topic ive been thinking of lately. How does everyone think of the name of their displays? I can see that some are derived from their own name or where they live, but i was wondering how everyone decides on their final name.

Re: Naming your light displays

From what I've observed locally and online, suburb or street name, first or last name are some of the most common naming conventions.

My display is Ryan's Christmas Lights - using my first name. Some displays use last names - Lindsay Lights for example (Martin and Andrew Lindsay).

Other displays like Lithgow Lights use the suburb name of the Christmas display. And then there's also Lights on Parkview or Lights on Lubbock which are both derived from the street names the decorators live on :)

I guess it all comes down to who is doing the display (just yourself or the whole family?) and what sort of street/suburb name is used. For example you may not want to name your display after a suburb called Darkly Downs (purely fictional name) but you may name it after a street called Easter Bunny Lane (another fictional example) - maybe Christmas In Easter Bunny Lane!

I guess it is a question of whether the name sounds cool to you. If you move around all the time (e.g. renter) then maybe a name based on a street or suburb is not a good idea.
Hi Luke
Another factor you might want to consider is the ease with which web search engines may find your website and videos etc. I live in a suburb Sinnamon Park - 'Sinnamon' being the name of one of the early settlers. I decided to name my display 'Sinnamon Lights' as it comes high on the list of results from Google and You Tube searches, and visitors can easily remember the search words as it is the suburb where they saw the display.

Just my 2 cents worth.
Regards Geoff
I used the street name because I liked the sound of it .... Landis Lights
Now that we may be moving LOL

Over the years I have named many things as far as domains and web sites.

One time I made an entire corporation from several names.
Russ Witzel - Evan & Kyle (my sons) and came up with
RULEK, Inc. which was around for about 15 years
Always liked those pesky sales phone calls asking if Mr. Rulek was in. LOL

Bottom line, Use what sounds good to you.
and that would be my 2 cents worth (keep in mind US $ is worth less than AUS $) :)
I dont have an actual name for my display, but i do have a web site that is called (a very eddy so really if anything that would be my displays name.
I use my last name last year when posting a vid to YouTube (Evans Christmas Light display.) Boring but the name says it all really!

Cheers, Graham Evans
This discussion is quite pertinent timing for me. I have been trying to decide a name mainly for use in naming a website for my display more than the display itself. I had been floating the possibility of Christmas on Clarafield (which does have a nice ring to it) using our street name. Now, while we don't plan on moving in the near future, this could be an issue should we ever decide to do that. I do prefer the more geographical based name as it would help people find the display and keep things a little more anonymous rather than using our names.
Ive been tossing around a few for mine too, still undecided :-\
  • Lights on seaview (Street Name)
  • Lighting on the Ridge (Suburb)
  • Lights on the Ridge
Naming your light displays

ԆцряєсϮ said:
Ive been tossing around a few for mine too, still undecided :-
  • Lights on seaview (Street Name)
  • Lighting on the Ridge (Suburb)
  • Lights on the Ridge

Lights on the Ridge is my favourite in that list.
Yeah I went for LithgowLights for a few reasons. I wanted the display to have a real personality so I started thinking of names, and RawsthorneLights, or LightsonFinlay really did not jump out at me. LithgowLights seemed to suit the display, and we refer to the display as LithgowLights rather than our light display.

Hell we have it branded on shirts, both our cars, plus cups, mousepads, stationary and more. Having an online presence also gets a lot of hits and brings more visitors (and thus donations to tour chosen charity) as well.
the name of our lights came from this forum, everyone else started calling it tuppetslights so we kept it :p

We also use it for a fair bit of branding - something memorable is good for the people who can't remember the actual address, and we use it for our website and facebook page and of course for youtube. We also use it for some other things like tuppetstars :p
Naming your light displays

ԆцряєсϮ said:
Ive been tossing around a few for mine too, still undecided :-
  • Lights on seaview (Street Name)
  • Lighting on the Ridge (Suburb)
  • Lights on the Ridge
How about Ridge Holiday Lights?