Need help--RGB LOR sequencing & assigning RGBs to visualizer props


Full time elf
Aug 14, 2013
Can anyone point me to a good "how to" video, LOR forum, etc where I can learn how to assign RGB channels to visualizer props? I am baffled here... I got all my channels assigned in LOR sequencer and now I need to map them over to the appropriate "devices" in visualizer. Another question--can I use superstar to sequence arches?
Thanks very much in advance!!

Charl Marais

For my twins was the excuse I started with.
Jun 27, 2013
Unfortunately I don't know of any tutorial videos for LOR that describe the specific information you are looking for but LOR do have a number of informative videos on their website and YouTube site that should contribute some information and pointers.
As for arches in Superstar - yes. Very easy and the results even on auto sequence is good. Just change the model to a arch model.
On a side note - if you have a visualizer setup build you can you that in Superstar to generate some very nice and easy sequences. Tutorial videos for that are available at LOR.


Senior elf
Jun 17, 2012
Karaka, Auckland, NZ
Not sure of any videos....however...

Once you have set your channels in sequencer you then export the configuration by clicking on Edit, Export/Import Channel Configuration. This creates the .lcc file.

Then go to your Visualizer and click on the button at the end of the first line of buttons "Load LOR Channel References", click on the left button "..." and find the .lcc file you just created. Then hit the Load button, it will take a minute to load it, once its finished you then click on Done. There are a couple of questions it will ask you during that process, cant remember what they are :)

You can now go into a prop, go to your Wizard and Run the Channel Wizard, choose RGB, when the dropdown appears click on that and you will see all your channels from your sequencer, so pick the correct channel and voila.

If you need more help just pop into chat channel :)