Need help understanding how it all goes together.


Full time elf
Dec 18, 2011
Andrews Farm.
Hi I have 4 LOR CTB16PCg3 controllers and 50 sets of Mytbrite lights, I also have an AaHHmega 60 controller and 2 strings of dumb rgb modules, also have an lor-esta dmx rj45 adapter. I would also like to get a jsysp12r and some pixel strings from Ray Woo. My question is can I run all of this together, how would I do it and would I need to use LSP rather than LOR S3. I have 10 sequences that I used last year and would like to use some of them in this years display. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Ron (mellowcouple).
giday Ron,
seeing as you had a show last year you would of read everything in this section,51.0.html
Aus christmas lighting 101 manual;topic=1889.0;attach=1907
The choice of program is a personal one. LSP and LOR both have there pros and cons.
I dont own lsp but i belive you can import sequences with lsp ( Im sure someone will tell me if im wrong here) So you would be able to build onto your 10 sequences
As you will see in the manual yes you can run all that from 1 computer. For pixels you would need to run a second cat5 cable to run e131 unless you use something like a uDCG-P2 or DCG-2 (something im playing with at the moment and having problems with)
Something else you probably would of seen, Eddy havs put together a product reference sheet that shows all the controllers that will be available form J1SYS, this should hopefully help people understand the product range and the choices available can be found here,2423.0.html

Well i gotta get back to work
Good luck
Hi Ron
You can run what you've got a few different way. The LOR boards can be run in LOR mode or dmx mode. As you have 1 of my Mega60 boards you might as well just run them in dmx mode as it's 1 less network you need to worry about. With the hardware you currently have you'd run the LOR board and Mega60 off the usb dongle. The P12R is an E1.31 to pixel controller so the P12 would need to be connected to the ethernet on your computer either directly or through a switch/router.
If you ran just LOR boards via a lor network for 2012 what you would need to do is change all the channels to dmx (a lor device appears as 16 dmx channels) and in the network setup drop the lor network to none and in the dmx tab pick out for the dongle and probably assign it to universe 1.
The p12 would get configured as a number of E1.31 dmx universes.
You can run 2 networks (dmx and E1.31) using the 1 dongle you have, 3 networks if you grabbed another dongle and had a lor network, a dmx network and an E1.31 network. Or you could lash out and get a J1Sys D4 or similar and everything could then be E1.31 through a switch/router.
All of the configurations can be run under LOR or LSP. ShellNz and oldmanfathertime and I'm sure many other ran E1.31 under lor in 2012.