new guy from michigan

Welcome to ACL, you will definitely find all the answers here in the forums and in chat.
Sounds like you have a nice project to start with.


To your original question , one suggestion would be to use a Pixlite 16 (16 outputs). To start off , you could connect each strand (your total of 15) to one output of the controller.

This underutilises each outout , but you can always reconfig later.

There are others that can be used , but I do not have experience with them as this is my first year.

There is also a ongoing thread 'which contoller' (check new posts) that has a similar question being discussed.

Some additional info:
12vdc 2811 String of 50
(0.3 Watts * 50) @ 12vdc = 1.25 amps per 50 strings5vdc 2811 String of 50
(0.3 Watts * 50) @ 12vdc = 3 amps per 50 string