Newbie software recommendation


New elf
Feb 3, 2014
East Greenville, PA
I've been getting great help here and in the chat room. One more question to throw out there, so I can get to work. I've got the hardware side figured out for my first foray into RGB. SanDevice 682 and 2811 strips I'm placing my order once I find the best deal. Now I want to make sure I'm going the right direction in software, so I can sequence.

I've been an LOR user from the start...a whole two years ago. :p Due to time constraints, I've only sequenced 7 songs in those two years. Doing that was more of a learn on the job than studying and learning. I enjoy sequencing, but it sure is time consuming. Here's a sample of what I've done. SDV 0229 Not award winning, but not bad for a novice with 32 channels. My kids thought it was awesome, and that makes it all worth it.

Anyhow, I'm going to buy about 100 pixels and set up two starburst patterns. I haven't a clue how to sequence RGB pixels, but am anxious to dive in and learn. I've just recently started toying in SuperStar, as I never needed it before. I only have demo version of it. So if I'm right I'll need to upgrade my license, which will also allow me to sequence pixels in S3. I don't want to start a which is "better" thread, but I wasn't even aware how many software options other than LOR were out there until recently. Would you recommend continuing in LOR since I'm already somewhat familiar with it? Or is there one that's more user friendly for someone new to everything? I've read threads where other say they wish sequencing can be like being a conductor of an orchestra...waive a wand for what you want and it happens. I'm in that camp too 8) so I'm looking for user friendly. I enjoy sequencing, just wish it were less time heavy. Heck, most of my sequencing is done sitting in my car over my lunch break at work.
Nice job thus far.
I use LOR and S3. That said;
I would continue with LOR for your 32 channels and keep your current sequences.
However, before spending $$ for S3 license, have a look at the FREE Nutcracker.
You can import the effects into LOR.
I personally have not used it yet but everything said by those that have used it seems positive.
Quite frankly, I follow this forum very closely and have never seen any issues posted, other than the usual 'how do I'. ;)
For your situation, I would stay with LOR S3 advanced for now, but don't buy Superstar until you use and learn xlights/nutcracker first. If you find you don't like nutcracker, then you can purchase Superstar anytime, but you can't get a refund on Superstar once you purchase a license.
I am a LOR user from the get go, I invested in LOR S3 Advanced which you will need if you decide to do the LOR route.
I also happen to have 17 LOR CCR's so I purchased the 24 CCR Superstar package when I did my CCR Matrix.

However, most people do not buy CCR's and do not really need the Superstar package. Getting the package is strictly an option as there are other ways to do your pixels and strips.

For the most part people tend to think the superstar package is just for CCR's, But I know how to use it for more than just CCR's.

Here are some different ways you can sequence.

1. use LOR S3 Advanced and get the 24 CCR package... you use the CCR package to do your effects and then export them to a Test Sequence... And then copy and paste the test sequence into your running sequence. You need to create all the channels in a running Sequence and export the channel config to your other sequences before you can copy the test sequence stuff in.

2. Use LOR S3 Advanced with x/lights and Nutcracker. I have not done this myself but there are several here that have. I will be playing with this shortly to see how it will work for me. This is probably the route you want to look into.

3. Use LSP - This software is a bit harder to learn but seems to have some good built in functionality. I have tested this and upon importing my Sequences from LOR had issues with LSP chewing up my PC memory.

4. Use Vixen - I have not used this and have not evaluated it. Others here have used it

5. Use HLS - Again I have not evaluated this software

There are others I am sure including expensive options. With a little digging you can figure out what some of those are

In the long run, you have to buy it and once you buy it, you have to live with it. So test, demo,for yourself and see what fits best for you.

If you already know how to use LOR I'd stick with that and use Nutcracker for your pixel effects as others have suggested and import them into your sequences.

There are other packages out there but each has its own learning curve and are somewhat different in their approach to sequencing.
LSP ($)
Vixen (Free)
HLS (Free)
Nutcracker/Xlights (Free)

The other thing I'd suggest is download and try each one to see if it "fits" or not. You may find you understand or pick up one very easily, or it will confirm that you should stick with LOR.
I use LSP which was my choice due to its capabilities and the fact that my show is now 95% pixels. When I started it was the only package that could run high channel count shows and handle pixels well (Thats changing now though) and not that I had a high channel count then either, I was thinking more down the track.

But for me to change now would mean a whole new learning curve and frankly I'd rather spend that time building elements and sequencing.

Which ever way you do go though theres ample support on this forum for when you have those "blonde" moments. and dont worry we all have em......
Personally i dont think you will use enough RGB to warrant the stress and hard work in dealing with changing sequencers. If what you use now is capable of doing what you want then there is no need to change
Thanks for all the quick responses. Maybe I'll look at Nutcracker and see what I think of it.

Fasteddy, that's one of the reasons I was asking. I have some familiarity with LORs regular sequence editor, I don't have any experience at all sequencing pixels with it. So before I dive in and figure out how, if there's an easier way to sequence pixels I want to learn it.
If I had LORs3 and I wanted to add on, I would definitely attempt to use Xlights/Nutcracker ++++ there are plenty of video tutorials from Sean :)

smeighan said:
There [are] three vixens, 2.1, +, and 3
I like the vixen 3 interface.

Sean, I think that's what people forget ... there are three versions that are out there and they are free!
I'm working my way through the introduction tutorial for Nutcracker...or at least it appears to be a recording of a call that took place in January? Anyway, so far it's great, very in depth and step by step. That's perfect for a newbie like me. How often do those calls happen?

It also seems like Nutcracker is much better at creating special effects for you than LOR SuperStar is. SuperStar can't create those instant effects like Nutcracker can, at least not to my knowledge. So do you guys use both programs to sequence RGBs for the same song? Use Nutcracker for the special effects and then use LOR for individual pixel control? I'd imagine that would be hard to do. Also, with my songs I already have completed in LOR, what's the best way to add effects in? I want to be able to watch the sequence in LOR Visualizer so I know what's happening with my existing channels. That way when I add RGB effects in, it doesn't look out of sync with what's already done. But the effects I want are in Nutcracker?