New elf
I've been getting great help here and in the chat room. One more question to throw out there, so I can get to work. I've got the hardware side figured out for my first foray into RGB. SanDevice 682 and 2811 strips I'm placing my order once I find the best deal. Now I want to make sure I'm going the right direction in software, so I can sequence.
I've been an LOR user from the start...a whole two years ago.
Due to time constraints, I've only sequenced 7 songs in those two years. Doing that was more of a learn on the job than studying and learning. I enjoy sequencing, but it sure is time consuming. Here's a sample of what I've done. SDV 0229 Not award winning, but not bad for a novice with 32 channels. My kids thought it was awesome, and that makes it all worth it.
Anyhow, I'm going to buy about 100 pixels and set up two starburst patterns. I haven't a clue how to sequence RGB pixels, but am anxious to dive in and learn. I've just recently started toying in SuperStar, as I never needed it before. I only have demo version of it. So if I'm right I'll need to upgrade my license, which will also allow me to sequence pixels in S3. I don't want to start a which is "better" thread, but I wasn't even aware how many software options other than LOR were out there until recently. Would you recommend continuing in LOR since I'm already somewhat familiar with it? Or is there one that's more user friendly for someone new to everything? I've read threads where other say they wish sequencing can be like being a conductor of an orchestra...waive a wand for what you want and it happens. I'm in that camp too 8) so I'm looking for user friendly. I enjoy sequencing, just wish it were less time heavy. Heck, most of my sequencing is done sitting in my car over my lunch break at work.
I've been an LOR user from the start...a whole two years ago.
Anyhow, I'm going to buy about 100 pixels and set up two starburst patterns. I haven't a clue how to sequence RGB pixels, but am anxious to dive in and learn. I've just recently started toying in SuperStar, as I never needed it before. I only have demo version of it. So if I'm right I'll need to upgrade my license, which will also allow me to sequence pixels in S3. I don't want to start a which is "better" thread, but I wasn't even aware how many software options other than LOR were out there until recently. Would you recommend continuing in LOR since I'm already somewhat familiar with it? Or is there one that's more user friendly for someone new to everything? I've read threads where other say they wish sequencing can be like being a conductor of an orchestra...waive a wand for what you want and it happens. I'm in that camp too 8) so I'm looking for user friendly. I enjoy sequencing, just wish it were less time heavy. Heck, most of my sequencing is done sitting in my car over my lunch break at work.