I have had part of my design vetoed by the safety and finance committee (AKA the wife) which is the mini firesticks around the yard concerned that one of the mini mikeys might trip on a cable and hurt themselves, fair enough...
But now i'm stumped as to what to do, with a different controller I can now have a total of 50m of strips, 25 of which is allocated to the front of the house but I have no idea what to do with the rest. Any ideas? Below is a photo of my house from google street view. I don't actually have any gear yet so i can substitute them for something else of similar value.
to ACL
Apologize I missed your original hello post.
As to wires in the yard, easy solution, push flat spade in ground about 2 inches (5 cm) and push handle away from you makes a nice small slot for a wire to slip into. Then step on slot and wire is nicely covered for a few weeks until you pull it out. Quick and easy to do, no trip hazard, makes yard look better, and easy to cut grass.